Saturday, June 12, 2010

word satori #2


It is a photograph of four people sitting around a table with hands in front of them.

The pipe glows on a small clay bowl
in the middle.  Beside it a kerosene lamp. Monstrous rectangles flare up the walls.
I will call it "Origin of Time," 
thought Geryon as a terrible coldness came through the room from somewhere. 
It was taking him a very long while
to set up the camera. Enormous pools of a moment kept opening around his hands
each time he tried to move them. 
Coldness was planing the sides of his vision leaving a narrow canal down which 
the shock- Geryon sat
on the floor suddenly. He had never been so stoned in his life. I am too naked,
he thought. This thought seemed profound.
And I want to be in love with someone. This to fell on him deeply. It is all wrong. 
Wrongness came like a lone finger 
chopping through the room and he ducked. What was that? said one of the others
turning towards him centuries later.

Anne Carson, from Autobiography of Red

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